i. Subject to the direction and control of the Mar Thoma Church the administration of the Seminary shall be vested in a Governing Board.
ii. The Governing Board shall consists of :
a. A Bishop of the Mar Thoma Church nominated by the Episcopal Synod, who shall be the Chairman of the Governing Board.
b. The Principal of the Seminary shall be the ex-officio Secretary of the governing board.
c. The Principal of the Episcopal Silver Jubilee Institute of Evangelism at Tiruvalla.
d. Two members, nominated by the Metropolitan of the Mar Thoma Syrian Church, of whom at least one shall be a lay person.
e. One member each from the Dioceses of the Mar Thoma Church, appointed by the Sabha Council.
f. One member other than the Principal, elected by the full-time Faculty of the Seminary from among themselves.
g. The Bursar of the Seminary appointed as per section 12 below. Until the appointment of the Bursar the rest of the members of the Board shall constitute the Board.
iii. a. The period of the Governing Board shall be coterminous with the life of the Sabha Council.
b. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Board to take steps at least one month in advance of the expiry off the period of office of the Board to constitute the succeeding Board.
c. The quorum of the Governing Board shall be one-third of its total membership.
d. Matters to be decided by the Board shall be done by the majority votes of the members present and voting. In the event of a tie, the Chairman of the meeting shall have an additional casting vote.
e. The Board shall meet, at least two times a year. At least ten days notice shall be given for meetings of the Board, and on the direction of the Chairman the Board shall be convened.
f. Extraordinary meetings may be convened with three day's notice, on the direction of the Chairman.