0481 - 2563921 (0); 2563928 (R) Mob:9496081928


Old EmblemNew Emblem
Old EmblemNew Emblem

The  emblem  of  the  Seminary,  which  first  appeared  in  1927,  signifies  many  things.  It  (the  coat  of  arms)  illustrates  clearly  our  origin and what we stand for. The three daggers show the martyrdom of our patron saint Mar Thoma (St. Thomas) the founder of our church. The  open  book  and  the  light  point  out  our  mission  to  enlighten  everyone  in  the  dark  through  free  distribution  of  knowledge  and  the stalks of rice and the husk indicate the spirit of our Master­ self­ sacrifice in which spirit we are striving in our way to reach the goal before us. The words in Sanskrit means, 'Light from knowledge, and life from death'.  Once the Church accepted its motto as "Lighted to Lighten", the banner caption was changed to "Lighted to Lighten".